lt   rt
the PbeM Fantasy Strategy Game

If you would like to take part in this Atlantis Game and have had at least a short glimpse at the rules, you should compose an email with the line "#newplayer" in the body. After that line you have to state your Faction Name, a password and an email-address you would like to have the reports send to. Send the mail to the following address


Factionname: The Merry Men
Password: merrymen

Please make sure, you send the mail in plain ascii-text and not in html format. Also do not forget the descriptors, so that my scripts do not have to gues what they have received. If you have send the mail correctly, you will receive a short verification reply. Please refrain from registering multiple factions for one player, this would be unfair against other players and the host.

The playerroster is limited to 200 players. If you register while there are already 200 players in the game, you will be added to a waiting list. If a position in the game become vacant and you are on top of the waiting list, you will receive a email and with replying to it you will be added to the game.

Gameturns will be calculated once a week every sunday at 20:00 MET. Reports will be send afterwards at monday early morning. If you did not receive a Report by monday 12:00 MET please send me a mail to so I can investigate and send your report manualy.

Players can send in orders to as often as they like, the last entered set of orders will be valid. Subject of the ordermail is not important, but the mail body must contain the "#atlantis <Playernumber> <password>" start and the "#end" row with orders in between, the # has to be at the start of the line, no spaces or any other whitespaces in front of them are allowed! Without them the order will be discarded without further notice. Like the register mail, please send the order mails in plain ascii-text!


#atlantis 999 blablabla
 Unit 9998
  MOVE s
 Unit 9999

I also recommend you use one of the available atlantis GUI's. Without them the administration of your surely rapidly growing faction will soon get displeasingly complex. Links to the respective websites can be found in the link section.

If you never have played atlantis I can recomend this New Player Guides written by Daniel Hadson and another one by fuzzyman.

If you're thinking about joining the game, please be aware that a major part of this game is about communicating with your fellow players. Especially if you're starting as a new player and trying to establish your faction on the board. Since we are now in Turn 186 there are some older players with well established factions (thus with large, well trained armies!!!) on the map. Attacking them on first sight is never a good idea. Talking to them and asking for help is! The later variation of approaching an unknown force on the map will in most cases help your faction to prosper and you to find somebody to help mastering the technics and tactics of the game. To contact the player of an unknown faction or unit you can use the #Atlp2pMail and #AtlUnitMail special mail commands, see the rules section for further explanations.

slt   srt
 Active players:
 Players in
waiting list:
 Actual Turn:
 Next Turnrun:
 Time left:

slb   srb
lb Autor 2004 Ralf-Arno Lal Saxena rb